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Has complacency killed Barça?

The players are experiencing a difficult time in their Barça careers
There is no doubt that this Barcelona side is one of the best ever, maybe even the best. But currently sitting ten points behind Madrid in the league, it can be argued that this accolade has crippled Barcelona's dominance.

They say complacency is only a state of mind but in Barça's case it has hit them much harder. Dropping points on eight occasions, equal to the whole of last season, Barcelona fans and players are used to winning and expect it to come naturally.

Fair enough they still have the possibility of finishing the season with five trophies but importantly for Guardiola's men, one of them won't be La Liga. A trophy you work in 38 games to win compared to a cup run which usually lasts about 8. The trophies come quicker and the motivation stays replenished with the prize of the next round dangled in front of you during every game.

So then maybe it's a case of too many players seeking instant gratification. Players who by winning so many cups want their trophies and they want them now. This would also explain Barça's dominance in El Clásico. The clash between Madrid and Barcelona is a cup final within itself and a victory produces as mush joy as winning a trophy would. Making Barcelona the favourite every time.

Barcelona are the best team on any given night but over a season Madrid are superior. It is strange to think how that has happened. You would think all Mourinho's arguments and fights with the press would create tension in the squad but what it has actually done is made the players mentally strong. Ronaldo and Co. have decided that they would show their brilliance not because of José but despite of him.

A mentality that produced a divine machine. A machine capable of withstanding any mental shaking such as going a goal down or their coach threatening to leave in the summer. A threat that looks very likely to come true. Take for example the game against Levante. Los Blancos went one goal down early on to a deflection off Sergio Ramos that led to a free header for Cabrai.
Ronaldo's embrace with Mourinho

But did Madrid panic? No. Their poster boy stepped up to the plate, Ronaldo scored a hat-trick within twelve minutes and Madrid coasted to a 4-2 win. Ronaldo's third being Madrid's 4000th in the Bernabau, met with a brace between him and José. A sight very welcome by the fans.

Meanwhile in Pamplona, Barcelona slumped to a 3-2 defeat against Barcelona. Opening the gap up to ten points and killing off their hopes of reclaiming their title. The Osasuna game was criticised because of the frozen pitch and windy conditions. An atmosphere that the young side fielded by Guardiola failed to deal with. Pep decided not to field some of his stars claiming that he was preparing for the midweek Champions League game. But you have to wonder if some of his more experienced veterans have lost some of their sheer determination.

That may have persuaded the boss the play Thiago and Sergi Roberto in the hope that their fresh energy would push Barça to a win. But that wasn't to be as Osasuna proved experience was needed to deal with such icy conditions.

Elsewhere from the league, Barcelona beat Bayer Leverkusen with a Sánchez-inspired performance. The Chilliean netted twice either side of Kadlec's equaliser. Lionel Messi then put the tie to rest with Barça's third in the 88th minute. A second leg tie is to come but it is hard to see Leverkusen getting a result at the Camp Nou.

Real Madrid have yet to play their first leg tie but it will be interesting to see how good they really are. We all know Madrid are second to Barcelona in any given game but what are the Spanish giants chances against clubs such as Milan or Bayern Munich. With the strength of Madrid it is plausible that they would have reached the final last year had they not clashed with Barcelona in the semi-finals.

Villa stretchered off in the Clubs World Cup
This year could be different though. If Madrid avoid Barcelona during the early rounds, Mourinho's men may get their place in the final. Proving that they can produce both in the league and in the cup, as did Barcelona last year.

One player who has never lost his competitive edge is David Villa. The top scorer for the national side has been sidelined with a broken tibia since December, Villa provides the Barça side with width and experience, exactly what the side has been lacking this season. If the Spaniard was fit players such as Cuenca and Pedro would be forced to fight for their place and produced performances of a higher quality.

Also Villa is only in his second season with the Catalans and has not yet won everything on offer. He honed his talents during his years at Valencia but rarely won a title. That changed in his first season with his new club but just one title doesn't make you complacent. It makes you want it more, you've tasted success and now you crave it that little bit more.

A theory that should apply to everyone but when you win title after title it is impossible to not become a little complacent. Players such as Xavi and Puyol

Guardiola must consider his options
Guardiola himself has admitted he is undecided about whether he will commit to the club and sign a year extension to his contract. The ex-dream team player has often said that he does not what his side to become used to his coaching style. He believes this creates a negative comfort cushion and allows the players to relax without putting in 100% game after game. Of course Guardiola is very competitive and is always looking for a new challenge, so if a Premier League club were to come knocking  he may just be persuaded. Looking at the situation at Arsenal, Wenger may not be in the hot seat much longer. Creating a space for a manger willing to put in the hard work and recreate an Arsenal side that we are all familiar with. A challenge perfect for the ambitious Guardiola.

Meanwhile 11 miles away from the Emirates there may be another job vacancy if Harry Redknapp makes the step up into the national game. Tottenham Hotsupr are playing very attractive football at the moment, similar to that of Barcelona. So it would seem Guardiola would also be welcome there were he to decline a new contract in Spain.

But for now he is at Barcelona and he has got to get his side back to their impressively high form. He has a Copa del Rey final to plan against a tricky Athletic Bilbao side. Plus the Champions League is a competition that punishes you if you take it lightly, an example being Manchester United's failed run this season. Pep must discover a new way to motivate his players and may have to take a leaf out of the most unlikely of books. Mourinho's threats to leave inspired his players to a greater level of footballing brilliance, a tactic the Spaniard may be willing to adopt if it means giving his players a metaphorical kick up the arse and pushes them back to the top of the Spanish football summit.
